Friday, September 19, 2008

Goodbye, Foxconn. Hello, Tsinghua!

Today (actually, yesterday .. it's past midnight) was my last day at Foxconn. I went in, cleaned out my desk, ran the necessary procedures ... said my goodbyes to everyone. After two full years at Foxconn and thousands of hours of my life poured in, it's finally time to say goodbye and to move on to the next chapter of my life.

Foxconn has brought me a lot of experiences. I started out just as a test engineer for a cell phone model (Nokia 1325), to being in charge of a whole section of hardware of a smart phone (including component selection, design, layout, testing, debugging...etc), to being project manager of a GPS device. I've worked on cell phones and GPS devices, took on roles as engineer and PM, and have had experiences working in Hsinchu, Taipei, Shenzhen, and Shanghai, while attaining experiences working with both vendors and customers.

Mixed feelings. I'll miss the work life, but it's definitely time to move on. This is my first week at Tsinghua, and already I've met loads of cool people. Hello, Tsinghua!

1 comment:

wangbo928 said...

It take courage to give up a good job and dedicate yourself to study. It looks like you are pretty confident with yourself, which is a good leadership strait you already posses. You are the only one who found my blog. You also know my work number, impressive!