Sunday, September 28, 2008

Stuffed Myself

This afternoon, I went into Springclub to ask a few questions about their dating service (gee, 180 degree attitude change as soon as they knew I wasn't gonna buy anything), then grabbed a quick lunch at a nearby Burger King.

When I came out ...

MY CAR GOT TOWED!! Gosh, I was away for less than 1 hour!!

2200nt byebye.

I got no income now. This hurts.

Hurts so much that I decided to comfort myself by stuffing myself (hence my tummy).

Gorden Biersch. By Warner Bros theaters at the Hsin-yi area. Awesome restaurant. Really good Pepperoni/Sausage Pizza, Chicken Ceasar Salad, 10-oz juicy bacon cheeseburgers. (yep, I stuffed all of them into my tummy).

Not to mention a huge glass of German beer. Oh so yummy.

Now I'm too full to sleep.

Damn ... so full.

Guess I'll use this time to organize my findings into a nice excel file.

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