Tuesday, November 18, 2008

There are still good people in this world.

Yesterday after my Peach Blossoms presentation, I went to 17km sea shore with a couple of friends to watch the meteor shower. Somehow, I forgot that I had my USB in my pocket, which decided to fall out while I was lying on the grass gazing at the stars.

I didn't even notice that my USB was gone until I received a call from Linda. Apparently, a guy from 元培科技大學 found it and called Linda (I had the IMBA contact list inside, and I guess he chose the most attractive name to call). Linda smartly figured out that it was my USB.

Anyways, I got my USB back! I told him that he could contact me if he ever needed anything (聯誼 .. etc).

P.S. The meteor shower wasn't visible - too many clouds. Geez.


Anonymous said...

you are welcome!!!:)

Beatriz said...

Wow!! and i thought good people with good heart were non-existent anymore...but now i know am wrong :-)

IRWAN said...

He is a good guy.
Did u give something to him for thanks?

Carlita said...

There are lots of good people in the world... specially in Taiwan.
If something like that happened in my country...my USB would have be gone forever.

Michael Wu in MDA said...

TKS God, you have your stuff back, No porxx pics inside rite?