Monday, October 20, 2008

"Nine" Village (九族文化村)

This weekend, I went to 九族文化村 with 3 other friends (I was the driver, of course). It was my first time there. It's basically a cultural/amusement park. We checked out each of the nine original Taiwanese tribes and enjoyed some performances. I'm no expert, so they all look the same to me. There are like 4 or 5 amusement park rides that has nothing to do with the 9 tribes, so I have no idea why they are there... maybe they want to position themselves like Leofoo village or something. Maybe that way they can charge 700nt. But from a marketing perspective, they seem to be losing their focus. The parking lot is basically empty. I think it's a place no one likes to go the 2nd time.

By the way, my car keys flew outta my pocket during one of the rides. Heh... had a scare there!

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